Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fleshed-out Problem

Deciding what I really need to change beyond the obvious - the layout of my closet, the placement of my bed, etc - has been fairly difficult. Changing much more really alters the layout of what I moved into originally. I organized the entirety of my space yesterday afternoon, getting rid of unused clothing and objects, organizing my receipts and general filing, etc. I think I need to do a few more things, and these will be added to my plans:

  1. Move my current closet hanger line up a foot. I'm a tall fellow, and moving clothing up high will allow for more space below, on the portions i'm building.
  2. I moved my dresser askance, like in the drafted pre-plan, and it's deeper than I planned for. This means I need to change my plan for the shelving units, to account for its new angle.
  3. My bed. My king-size bed needs change, and I don't know what yet. It's huge, and distracting, and ugly, but I don't think something as simple as new sheets or something silly will fix it.
  4. I need a better way to file away important documents. Shopping trip time.
My next job is to make perfectly accurate plans for the shelves, accounting for exactly what I want them to store and house.

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