Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Problem and possible solutions


Living spaces are deeply personal. When presented with a situation that removes personality and/or privacy, those who wish to live unique and private lives are often uncomfortable. My current living situation is a perfect metric of this scenario. I have a room, but the areas surrounding this room are not, in any way, private. To make matters worse, as I am forced to live in relative solitude in this single room, I feel that my space is controlled by the objects I keep, as opposed to controlling a space with objects. I wish to make my personal surroundings more reminiscent of my personal style, more personal, and less cramped.


1: Move. Simply uproot myself to a better situation. Perhaps the only solution that fixes the fact that I live out of a room.

2: Destroy. Get rid of excess, and learn to live simpler. Donate books and clothing, get rid of excess furniture, (especially furniture I only use when hosting) hide excess I stubbornly refuse to get rid of into the closet, under the bed, etc. Perhaps store excess in the outside shed.

3: Organize/Beautify. Build/purchase storage units, for all the excess I rarely use. Get rid of my oversized bookshelf, and box up books and store them in the closet. Build shelving units into the stark closet, adding texture and color. Coat the walls with something personal, but not tacky. Paint.

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